Choosing the Right Signature Pad for Electronic Signatures

Digital Signature Pad

More and more companies are trying to go green and one of the easiest ways to reduce the amount of paper used every day is to start using electronic signatures. While many electronic signature software providers offer alternatives to digitized handwritten signature, that method is still the most popular one. That’s why it’s important to find the right type of signature capture pad for your business.

Here are 4 questions you should ask yourself before buying a signature pad.

Will You Need To Display Information on the Pad?

In most cases, you won’t need to display anything on your capture pad. That means that you can choose to use an signature pad with no LCD screen. The only drawback is that the signatory will also not be able to visualize his signature during the process.

In all other cases, a color LCD screen is the best option as it offers you the possibility to display your company logo and the document. Just be sure to take note of how fast you will be able to send the documents to the pad as some piece of equipment area notoriously slow.

Does the Pad Need Batteries?

Some of the older pad versions require batteries. Unless you are looking for a wireless option, you’re best bet is to always get a pad that can be powered by USB. Not only will it allow you to transfer the digital signature more easily to your POS or desktop computer, you won’t have to spend money keeping it alive.

Are Spare Parts Easily Available Online?

While you’re better off getting a pad that has at least a 2 year guarantee, it’s always safer to make sure that you can find the parts you might need online before purchasing. With newer models or models from trusted companies, this tends to not be a huge deal breaker. It’s just important to do your research in order to make sure you won’t regret your decision a few years down the line.

Is Data Encryption Needed?

If you will be using the signatures in a high security scenario, you may want to ensure that they are encrypted before even being sent to the computer. Sometimes, this is possible using advanced electronic signature software, but why not add another layer of security to make sure the documents are 100% secure and choose a capture pad with these capabilities.